Happy 7th Birthday

February 7, 2017

Fall 2016
How can it be.  The eve of you turning 7.  ½ way to 14 (ick).  I marvel at how fast this last year has again, flown by.  We just finished our nightly ritual.  Homework, dinner, special treat, ipad time, bath (or shower sometimes now – but you still love your relaxing baths), then we say our goodnights and settle down to read before bed.  But tonight was different.  Tonight, you read to me.  You not only read to me, but you read like a pro. Big words not causing you any pause, and your enjoyment of the fun rhymes flowing off your tongue like you’ve been reading all your life (hardly).  I listened, and thought about the fact it was the last time you would read to me as a six year old.

I am simply blown away by the little things, that are truly the big things.  The fact that phonics is nothing for you to process.  This comes naturally I suspect (pay off from reading to you since birth).  The fact that your maps test scores at school showed you in the highest ranks, and in math of all things?  Must have been the obsession about numbers between 5 and 6 that paid off this year.  The fact that you clipped up to the Principal today (a great thing), for helping others.  The fact that you continue to try to improve and be a leader, even if we have to talk about this often and encourage you to stay the course.  The fact that when circumstances happen and people are hurt, like your beloved principal Mrs. Epps this year, you ask all of the questions, and you want to know all of the truths.  Then you process this information, and you really empathize and want healing and peace for those you care about, yet you are not terribly rattled, more determined.  The fact that you are so incredibly unbridled when it comes to song and dance.  You will perform for anyone, and often anytime without any fear or embarrassment.  You don’t care, you just want to share your joy with the world.  The fact that after the songs and dance, you are ready to wrestle or swim, and now you want to compete.  You are up for a challenge, willing to continue to do the work.  The fact that I will sometimes catch you being sweet with your grandparents, or your Daddy.  The fact that you still crawl up into my lap (even if you don’t really fit), and you ask for snuggles with a good fuzzy blankie and mommy.  This makes my heart whole, and happy.  The fact that you are quickly learning how to love, command and appreciate having a new puppy in our family.  Leeloo has been a challenge and a joy for you.   You are full of so many evolving thoughts, feelings and joys.  It’s so much fun to witness and try to ride shotgun!

I could likely go on for 100 years.  What matters tonight, as I type this annual love letter to you my son, is that I was given you.  You chose me to be your Mommy, and I have and will continue to give you my all and my everything to be the absolute best for you that I can be.  To raise you to be a kind, loving, giving soul who will someday make another just as happy.  I hope to see your children and be able to be their Nanny.  I will continue to remind myself that these times will be over, and every “NEW” is to be cherished.  They will soon be old, and passed.  I read a quote just recently that has resonated, and until you are a parent, it just doesn’t speak to you.  But it’s the largest truth I’ve seen in forever:

The days are long, but the years are short….

There could be no statement that describes being a mother to a truer degree.

I’m going to cherish these long, exhausting days for they will soon be shorter, and the years will follow quickly.

Happy 7th Birthday baby boy.  I will love you back and to the moon, forever more.
Love, Mommy


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