A letter at 5 years old...time warp.

February 8, 2015 at Nanny's house

A letter at 5 years old...

My dearest son Rhett –
Writing you a letter on your birthday has turned into a tradition for me, well, for us.  I will try to continue this and give these to you some day when you might want to read them.

Sneaking in the grass
I’m sad this evening.  Because my “baby” has gone away.  There are no further reminders of the baby you once were.  The wispy hair, baby skin, toddler antics and crazier behaviors.  All long ago, gone in the past, forever more.  I have a hard time thinking about the fact you are growing up.  I fear that I won’t always remember or recall all of these things about “little Rhett”. 

I know that I will miss the little boy smell, the little cute smiles, snuggles, tears and everything that makes you so unique and so much a part of me.  I fear that you are growing up so fast, can I keep up to guide you and help mold you into the kind, respectful man I hope you become.  Will I have to give you up to some lucky lady who captures your heart in the future?  I will never give you up , you’ll always be my baby boy.  I’ll share.  Maybe.  I hope I like her.  I greatly want to see you thrive, grow and succeed; yet at the same time it all just terrifies me.

You have really started to develop your own shining personality.  You are so darn funny!!  Not to mention, those dimples, and smile, so cute.  You have a way of lighting up and even commanding a room.  In your preschool, you are definitely recognized as one of the stronger personalities in class, a leader already.  You have lots of friends, and you have made good friends here in Mancos quickly.  You are not afraid to make a new friend, or try something new.  You still ask and are a bit confused about why we moved, and what your friends in Arizona are up to.  We have visited this year, and will continue to stay connected to our Arizona friends and family.  You have your heart on your sleeve, and you often talk about the ladies at school already.  Harper & Savannah, especially, are some of your best girlfriends.  You are sad when friends may not want to play with you, and you don’t discriminate always making sure everyone gets a little bit of time to play.  You look forward to friends and school, and you are often upset when we come to pick you up at the end of the day.  It's a good problem to have when your child wants to STAY at school! I love this part of you, you are kind, smart, and fun!

Loves to sing.

You love to sing, sing, sing.  Uncle Thad bought you a Karaoke machine this birthday, and you are not afraid to get on that mic and sing your heart out, hand on hip and dancing all the moves.  (Videos posted below).  You also have started to memorize commercials oddly enough, and you can even reenact them.  It’s so funny when you recite the benefits of a cold medicine if someone is not feeling well.  “No Mommy, you should use mucinex because unlike those other cold medicines that only last 4, 6, or 8 hours, Mucinex lasts a full 12 hours”.  Not kidding.  Or, when you put your hand on your forehead and proclaim “Jimmy Don’t Go”, then you say “A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do” – it’s a commercial on now for Insurance.  A funny spoof, that you have memorized all the lines and acting and can play all parts.  You have us rolling laughing at times.   Thank goodness this memorization also applies to math, as you have seemed to pick that up quickly also.  You can start addition tables and continue higher and higher challenging and figuring out what different combinations add up to.  Bugs are a pretty big deal these days also.  I have already found a colony of box elder bugs living in my candle. I let them go.  In the snow.  Bug books, bug houses, and bug catchers.  Little boys love bugs, and you are no exception.
Hand on hip.  Sing it.

You are starting to learn how to spell words, and are interested in reading.  Sight words are in our future.  You have found a love for board games, and you have even started winning legitimately at the matching games against adults!  It’s pretty sad when I’m trying and you still kick my butt!  Pop the pig is another favorite.  You informed me “Mommy, even though I’m turning 5, I’m still going to be into Ninja Turtles for awhile”.  So there you have it.   

Will you still be into snuggling with your Mommy too?  Will you let me comb your hair, help you pick out your outfits sometimes, and take care of you?  I tell you all of the time, and mean it, that you will always be my baby boy.  I just need to freeze these moments in time and remember them forever.   I need to get as many snuggles, sniffs and kisses in as possible before I have to share.  Some nights, letting you stay up late and fall asleep in my lap are selfishly about me, and not about you, evne if you think I'm the coolest mom ever to allow it.  I really just want to hold you in my lap and snuggle you to sleep.  I’m not honestly looking forward to the time this will end, but I am looking forward to watching all of these bittersweet moments of you growing up. I look forward to seeing you grow into a young man that we are proud of and sharing you with the big world, some day…but not a some day too soon.  

Back & to the moon my son, always and forever more….


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