Annual love letter to my four!
Rhett - Feb
What has become a yearly or annual tradition, writing a
letter for my son. It’s an honest outpouring
of my feelings for you. I hope that one
day you will sit down, with maturity and wisdom, and be able to feel through my
words, how much you have brought to my life, and those around you.
It’s a pretty incredible thing, bringing a life into this
world we live in today. Although there
are many good, along with the bad, I try hard to remember that each day is a
gift. Some days are better, some are
challenging. One thing I know today,
without doubt. All of my days are better
with my son in them.
Rhett, we play this little game now. On the way to or from school. In the car while running errands. Snuggling in the morning on the sofa. Out hiking a mountain or exploring something
new and fun. It’s a game you started a
little over a year ago with a simple phrase.
I love you back and to the moon.
This has progressed to us outdoing the other with the amount
of our love. Some of my favorites are:
I love you back and to the moon, with 100 kisses!
I love you more!
I love you the mostest!
I love you the mostest with a hundred kisses!
I love you with 58 and 100 flowers.
I love you with all the raindrops.
I love you with as long as this street is.
I love you as tall as that mountain, up into the sky.
I love you with chocolate chip cookies.
We go back and forth, on an on. Usually after a “Hey Rhett, guess what?” These are the little things that turn into
the big things. The love that I have for
you is beyond all of the above. It’s
bigger than who we are, it’s bigger than all of our family together. I love you with more than my heart and my
soul. I love you with every single ounce
of my being. You were born from me (it’s
corny to say, but it’s true!), and I am thankful each day that I get to be your
Mom. Even on the days that are not such
great days, even on the ‘time-out’ days, and the days you cry or whine and
don’t want to listen or honor my words, go to bed or , or , or… are my
heart. Even those days. Especially those days.
I’m putting together as many bits of memories, happenings
and parts of your life in writing as you grow.
I’ve bought a good camera and will continue to capture all of these
precious moments in time.
I’ve really been struggling lately with my little baby,
growing into a boy. It is a very
bittersweet struggle for me. I miss you
as a little, but I look forward and cherish seeing you grow, learn, laugh and
love. I adore seeing you be a kind,
gracious and friendly boy. I love to see
your excitement over friendships, family, play times, new experiences, special
treats, birthday parties, holidays, weekend play times, and a simple snuggle
and hug. I look forward to watching your
kind heart blossom and grow. I envision
a young man who watches out for others, and is the friend to those that may need
one, or don’t have one for whatever reason.
I see your frustrations rise quickly now, and I look forward to you
finding whatever passions you may have, and really grasping and working towards
goals. I am grateful that you will be
able to grow up around family over the next few years, and experience the great
gift of love and learning from others. I
can’t wait until you catch your first fish, all by yourself. I can’t wait to watch you excel in
school. I am excited to see how your
handsome wit works in your favor, as you have already figured this out. How we will curtail this and teach you not to
take advantage of this, is yet to be played out. We are already working on that. Dimples, blonde hair and blue eyes, have
stuck to you like glue. We know the troubles
we may face, the hearts you may break and the smiles and tears that will
come. If only we can teach you to use
those gifts wisely.
Every day with you in it, giving out your hugs and kisses,
tickles and silly’s is the best day. I
love you back and to the moon, forever more my son.
Firsts and accomplishments this year:
Climbed or hiked a mountain with mommy all on your own!
Hiked over 3 miles to the top of a mountain by end of the year.
Can now get dressed, including shoes, all by yourself.
Tried Grandma Sherry’s lamb shank dinner, and loved every
Montessori pre-school program, no more naps!
Learned how to write your “R”
Can count to 20 without help, to 100 with a little prompting
Received your first .22 rifle from Grand Dad, and have
started to practice with family
Your eye sight (amblyopia) has improved from legally blind
in your right eye to 20/30! You were so
good about glasses and patching, and it lead to success!
You have really excelled with swimming, and can jump, dive
and swim across the pool. There is no
fear, and you are working on strokes already!
Weight: 35lbs, 42nd Percentile
Height: 41", 65th Percentile
Dentist: Visit was
all good! No cavities, and good
spacing. He was given a thumbs up. He then flirted with the dental hygienist,
let her know it was his birthday, and he received two reward coins for the
vending machines. This is where his “I
know I’m cute” tactic comes into play. I
witnessed all of this, and was rendered speechless by your coy smile and
Things you really have loved and are still loving turning 4:
Hot Wheels
Books of all kinds
Legos (fairly new, you love to build)
Minions! Despicable
Me is a favorite series
Lego characters, movies and books also
A love of Superheroes, especially Spiderman, Batman and
Ironman have remained strong.
Doc McStuffins and Stuffy, Jake & The Neverland Pirates,
Sophia the First, & Frozen.
Wow this is a treasure of memories of your wonderful son and family.