1st Day of School

Ready for School!

The day has arrived.  My "baby" is no longer a baby.  Frankly, I've known this for awhile now.  It's not a secret.  It's been clearly evident for a few years really.  Just watch him walk, talk, jump, run, kiss the girls, talk back, get crazy, be sassy, be RHETT!

Today, was the first "official" day of Rhett being enrolled in a "real" pre-school.  Not just daycare, or fancy summer programs.  Really a focused curriculum with a learning environment, social skills and a whole lot of expectation from the teachers, peers, (and his parents)!

So, today there were many kids going back to school.  I saw lots of cute faces, and fancy clothes posted in pictures all over the net.  I found myself smiling at them all.  Excited for all those kids, parents and teachers.  Most of them were the little kiddos belonging to my family or close friends who also have kids heading to school.  Facebook is such an amazing invention, to be able to share in everyone elses moments.  

I found that I also had to partake this year (it was official you know!) in the signage making commemorating the school, the outfit, the backpack, the date and the cutest smiling face in our world.  You will see results in my own photos.  It was a busy morning making sure we were prepared, ready, lunch packed, paperwork done, patches for patch time, extra clothes, pictures!  Geez, I felt like I was going to school!

But as I walked down that sidewalk holding Rhett's little hand, and walked my son into his first day in class at Black Mountain Science Academy, I was so excited for him I could almost burst!  I was not sad, there were no tears.  It was almost more of an elation. I was literally so happy that we are blessed enough and can afford to send him here.  That he has the opportunity for an education.  That he has all of these people surrounding him and helping him to learn and grow and be the BEST that he can be!  Frankly, I am relieved that it's not just me!  There is no way that John and I could teach Rhett everything he needs to know.  It's such a privilege to have him in a school where everyone cares, and wants to be there.  My parents were teachers, and I truly understand that it takes a village.  Education, teachers, peers are all part of that village. 

I walked away, after I had to ASK for a kiss, knowing he was going to have a fantastic day. A part of me is sad seeing how grown up he is, yes....but a bigger part of me is excited, happy and thrilled to watch this little man grow.  I think I will always have baby fever, because frankly I'd probably have another kiddo if I wasn't so freaking old - so a part of me will be a little sad that my "baby boy" is now ALL boy.  But I am now holding onto the excitement of who this little man will grow into as a real man.  

I think I'll sit back, watch him grow, grab all the hugs, hand holding and kisses I can, be proud of every single moment, show up to every event I possibly can, cheer for him and brag about him as much as possible.

It's simply the BEST thing to be a Mom.  I am in love, again, every moment of every day.

Proud Mom of a Pre-Schooler

P.S. - Where's my bumper sticker?!

Daddy & Rhett
Mommy & Rhett


  1. Aw Em.......so glad you share...I know I say this all the time....but I love reading you and John's life with Rhett......such good parents.......both of you.....Rhett seems to be such an AWESOME little man!!!! xoxoxo

  2. Great post! Exciting day for sure. I love seeing everyone's pics too. Rhett is getting so big and he's just so cute. he is one lucky little boy to have you and John as his parents. xoxo


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