We don't say bad words....

Seems as though someone in school is saying bad words and of course all the kids pick that up and run like wildfire!  So we had an issue a few weeks back with "damn" and we crossed that hurdle.  Now it seems the word of the week is "poop".

"Mommy.  (insert child name so and so...) says poop.  But we don't say poop.  Poop is a bad word.  Poop.  Poop.  Poop."

Hmmm.  Time to step up and spend a little extra quality parenting time.

So on the way to school, I explained to him that "good boys do not say bad words".  I asked Rhett what happened when we were "bad", and he says "we get in trouble".  I ask, "So, what's trouble Rhett? "  He says - "it's when I close my eyes"??  Remember he just turned 3.  I was totally confused.  Moving on.

I explained that "trouble" for him would equal coming home from school, having dinner and promptly going to bed.  There would be no tv or play time.  I went on to reinforce my point by telling him that our toys get thrown away when we are in trouble too. (I just threw that in for good measure).

I asked him to repeat back to me what he would say to any of the kids in school that choose to say bad words, and he dutifully repeated that "good boys don't say bad words".  Then after i asked him, he says "I understand".  

Off to school we go, mommy has a conversation with teachers, we are all on the same page that its NOT acceptable for my kid.

Fast forward a few hours and I'm there to pick him up and ask about him day....where the teacher tells me that Rhett had sat down the culprit on the circle rug today, and thoroughly read him the riot act, telling him all about how good boys don't say bad words, and he would loose his toys and have to go right to bed.  And on, and on....

That's my boy.  Good job son.  You give them the ABC's.  

And don't forget what happens when you get in trouble!!  Your my GOOD BOY.  It sure seems that you apparently can listen!


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