Worth It! Soundbites & Thanks

Nothing in this world makes me happier in the morning than the sound of this coming from my son...who is nearly three years old and wakes every morning calling for me.  Oh, how I painfully await the day that he decides he is a big boy, and he no longer needs his Mommy to come get him out of bed.  Worth all of the middle of the night wake ups.  Worth every early morning, and late evening. I cherish this sound over the monitor every morning, and after every nap. 

As 2012 comes to an end, I am obscenely grateful for 2012 and every single moment and day that was given to me with those I love.  I am thankful to have a family.  I'm thankful that my husband is loving, a great Dad, quit smoking AND drinking, and is more than focused and willing to make a move soon for the best of our family and my CO family.  I am thankful that my, not so little, little boy spent the majority of the last couple of days in 'big boy' superhero underwear!  It's looking like we will start off the new 2013 without daily diapers.  I'm extremely proud of him...and don't get me wrong I am READY to not change anymore diapers, trust me...but a part of me is also sad.  My baby turned into a toddler.  My toddler is now a boy.  How so very quickly it happens.  

And least we not forget, that although the holiday is over, we all have much to look forward to in 2013.  Rhett's 3rd birthday, visits from Grandparents, trips and holidays to come.

Wishing you and yours all the health, success and happiness possible in the coming year.  

Worth it!


  1. Thanks for sharing and being the person you are. You have never settled for less and worked your butt off to make Co possible. John rocks. I would expect nothing less than a awesome father from John. The pride in his eyes says it all, he would do anything for his boy and you. And should he need help he could call sista. Love you all, love your blogs.


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