Archie Needs his own post

We joined in the madness of "Elf On The Shelf" this year.  We dutifully went to Hallmark in October, and decided to start reading the book in November, then after the Thanksgiving Holiday Santa delivered our own elf.  Rhett was so excited that Santa delivered him his own elf.  First night, the elf arrived with Christmas classic DVD's, and I will have you know we have watched Rudolph 74 times this holiday season!  Second night, the elf was viscously attacked by the cat and fell from her house.  We needed an elf ER first thing!

Archie about to take a dive.

Went fishing one night.
Santa spells out R for Rhett 
Candy Canes for the tree...or Rhett really.
Zip Lining, aka drying out from dive in blue water!

Rhett, at first, wanted to name his elf "Rhett".  When I explained that was his name and he needed his own real name, he quickly decided on "Elf".  Well.....that wasn't exactly what we were looking for either.  So, then he decided he would name him Archer because he has a cousin Archer, who had sent him a Rudolph book and we had been reading that as well.  After a little coaxing, we decided "Archie" was a perfect, one of a kind, name for his elf.

Archie has had a few adventures this holiday season at the Brown household.  Keep in mind, you are not allowed to TOUCH the elf, or he looses his magic.  He flies back to the North Pole every night to let Santa know if you have been good.  We used kitchen tongs more than once this season to rescue Archie!  He fell from the cat tree. He fell into his 'pond' and turned blue.  Dizzy kitty has attacked him several times.  He was covered in sprinkles and frosting after cookie decorating.  He was head to toe in flour after snow angels on the counter!  He even followed us on our trip to Flagstaff, got to ride in a hot air balloon, and his final visit had him riding a quad through a jungle.  Let's just say that Papa was really digging Archie this holiday season.  We had a lot of fun together.

Flour Angels...

Hanging out with my friends at our house.

Cookies were fun!

Hanging out in the dining room for awhile.

Checking out how much room is in this stocking.

He was a bit mischevious
Archie left Rhett a final note before heading back to the north pole on Christmas Eve night.  The note lifted his magic for just a few minutes so that he was able to hug and kiss him goodbye.  Rhett says "I love you Archie" and gives him a big hug.  Awwww...we will miss that elf.  He may have to come out at Labor Day!

Archie delivers his note on his final appearance.


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