A morning at the Zoo!

Alligator - "Roar"
He may have a monkey on his shirt, but this kid loves Alligators!
It's a longer week than normal for Mommy.  This week, our wonderful sitter Mary Beth is taking a week long (well deserved) trip, and that means...MOMMY has Rhett all week long.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love love love my boy, and I love love love being a Mommy.  But, Mommy has a J - O - B too!  Yes, ladies and gents, Mommy has to work.  Being a Mommy full time to a 19mo old toddler is a full time job in and of itself. 

So, what do you ask, do we do to tackle this feat?  We wear him OUT!  Rhett is completely at the age and point that his curiosity is peaked, all the time.  His language is out of bounds crazy developing, and he is just full (and I mean this, really, it's insane) of energy.  You literally have to wear him out in mind and body to get a good nap and a happy boy.

Rhett with Auntie Cindy at the Elephants!

We went to the zoo this morning.  It was a great day.  Auntie Cindy joined us promptly when the zoo opened at 9am.  Since we live in the desert, we wanted to keep the sweating to a minimum and keep a happy boy.  It may be fall in the rest of the country, but still 105 here.  We saw all kinds of animals, and Rhett was really aware and looking for them as we would point them out to him.  Elephants, goats, cows, horses, sheep, chickens, turkeys, MONKEYs, bears...you name it.  Rhett repeated all the names, and all the sounds.  He can name many of them.  The Phoenix Zoo has a great "Little People" play land, and Rhett had a great time in his element, the dirt, sand and running free (key note, running).

He ran to every single goat to pet each one, twice.
And he really did not have time to sit and pose with Mommy, or the goat "Blaze"

We wrapped up the day with a good hour of playing in the 'water' play land they have in the zoo, and having a nice lunch.  Too bad they don't serve beer (did I say that?)!

This kid loves the water! 
Shower he says, then 'lean back'
Getting ready to go up and down the slide for about the 15th time.

Off with our little red wagon, we rode to the car.  Managed to squeeze in a view of the giraffes, and finally headed home. 

Last stop - Giraffes, rubbing his eyes, so tired.
I'm not kidding.  He was asleep, as in passed out cold, before we got out of the parking lot!  Home we headed for a blissfull 2 hour nap, and Mommy was able to work, work, work!  Now, I even managed to take a webinar and conference call with a 19month old at my feet later this afternoon.

How, you ask?  Simple folks.  Apples with caramel dip...and Cailou.  That was all she wrote.

Sometimes a mom has to do what a mom has to do.

Wish us luck, 3 more working days before the weekend!



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