Birthday Party Fun!

Towards the end of the celebration, still going strong! 
(Not just Rhett, us too!)
 We had a great day yesterday with a serious amount of birthday fun. Had a gathering of family and a few close friends with their little ones for an afternoon play time bonanza! It was back yard fun, so glad that the weather here in February is still mid-70's!  I'll whine in July, but this was truly PERFECT!!

Rhett had so much fun just running around with all of the kids and tearing apart toys, riding in the wagon, climbing and sliding on his new slide (thank you Auntie Nana & Stull Grandparents!).   

A great friend of mommy's made some fantastic birthday cake, and a special cake just for Rhett with one of his favorites - MONKEY's!  At first, with everyone gathered around Rhett he was a bit hesitant, with everyone staring at him! Plus, he was in the back yard, in his high chair and had to be thinking "what in the world am I doing out here??".  It took him about 10 minutes, but he finally go the hang of it.  Not much cake was actually eaten, but he had a fantastic time destroying it!  He did try to eat the monkey, and got so far as to bit his head off. 

Ms. Renae made Rhett some fantastic cakes!
(She's for hire!)

I'm the Birthday Boy!

Love my new slide!

This slide rocks!  It has a steering wheel!
With Quincy and Auntie Nana Rhonda

Hmm, WHY is everyone staring at me?

Oh Monkey, I love them, I will EAT him!
Oh, that was GREAT fun!
Where's the hose?

Oh!  This is what you are supposed to do
with this CAKE stuff!  I got it now!

Auntie Cindy Loves me!!
Morning After, playing with some of my new toys!

Auntie Shelly & Mommy the end of the evening, after Rhett had opened up lots of toys, and was really more interested in his .99 helium balloons, this was the aftermath of the party craziness below.  After bath, and some warm jammies, I brought him into the kitchen to make a bottle for him, it was about an hour after his normal bedtime.  He just stood there, with this face, saying 'ba baaaaaa" over and over.  Guess he was ready for that bottle and night night!  He went to sleep fast and slept until 5am, then went back to bed after another bottle.  Poor birthday boy was famished!!  All that partying wore him out!

Mommy's Monster - Ba ba!! Baaa ba!!!
Onward to year #2, can't wait to see what each moment brings!!  I love you little man!!


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