Lack of blogging...called walking!

Let the lack of blogging be blamed on a walking toddler!!  Forget 10, 11 months.  Toddler.  So, I promise to post a few pics here of Christmas and the crazy year end holiday.  I'm totally starting Christmas in July this year of 2011.  It was fast, furious, fun and whew, over so fast.  Before we knew it, we were into January and a new year.

Speaking of new years, so glad it's 2011.  Last year was a bumpy one, so as a family we are going to enjoy each other, watch Rhett grow and learn and try to make the very best of every moment. 

We are getting ready to celebrate Rhett turning a year old!  This last year has simply flown by like lightening.  Isn't if funny, when you are younger, you want time to hurry so you can be older.  When you are older, you want time to slow so you can be younger.  I now want time to slow to microspeed so I can enjoy Rhett's every single second.  Rewind would be great.  He's SO NOT A BABY, not even close, anymore.  He's changed so much even in the last month.  He's walking, well let's face it - running.  He and Danica play together so well.  They are both discovering the world.  Rhett loves to be outside and heads for the door any chance he gets.  He's signing pretty well, learning more every day.  His favorite 'sign' is for "light"!  Found out yesterday he can even turn it on, he knows the remote!  He can say a few words like Mama, Papa, Daddy, Dog, Baba, and his new favorite word....Caca.  Yes, everything is caca folks.  Everything.

Rhett is doing better with eating actual food. The funniest thing being that he really wants to do everything himself.  There is not much feeding him anymore, unless it's soup or he's starving.  He wants to do it all by himself.  He can also drink out of a cup, Grandma taught him that trick (thanks Mom).  Sippy cups are not a favorite, although today he used one with a straw.  He's such a big boy!!

Promise to start blogging more regularly now.  After I run around after Rhett.


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