Official 9 month Stats

It was doctor day.  Rhett is officially doing well, and on his way to being a very tall boy.  That's got to be those Heiman genes in him (my Mom's side of the family, all my aunts & uncles are 6ft+).  He had to get a shot today, and he was very cranky about that tonight, my poor boy!

Weight:  20lbs, 12oz  (55th Percentile)
Height:  29"  (85th Percentile)

Rhett ate mashed potatoes with gravy and a tiny bit of meatloaf last night.  He was in HEAVEN!  Think he may be a meat & potato kind of guy, like his Daddy.

A couple of recent pics below from Nic & Jayde's wedding. 

Rhett with Nic

Rhett with Jayde & Danica


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