9 months old & a fun visit....

Big boy!  9 Months Old
I am in awe of the fact that my little boy is 9 months old today.  Amazing how time just zips on by.

He is so full of energy, busy getting around wherever he goes.  Crawling is his quickest way of transportation these days, zipping along from place to place, with the 'slap, slap, slap' of his hands on our hard floors.  He's fast too, super fast.  The dogs even have a hard time getting out of his way in time.  Put him in his walker, even more dangerous.  That kid can take a walker full force into a baby gate, wall, door or cabinet, bounce off and just laugh like it was the best ride ever.  The walker and anything confining is getting pretty old now though.  He's learning really how to walk, by furniture surfing.  His favorite thing is to walk along the sofas, tables, toys, cabinets, walls, whatever he can stand up next too.  I've caught him a few times bend down to pick up toy #2, then simply stand with both toys (one in each hand), all on his own.  It isn't until it dawns on him "oh, I'm not holding onto anything" that he will reach forward and grab onto something.  He especially loves doing this trick in the bathtub.  Rhett does not 'sit' for baths anymore, he prefers to stand.  Pretty sure this kid will like a shower someday.

At 9 months old he can say "Mama" and "Mom", and he can also say "Papa".  He knows the signs for those and will try to mimic signs also.  He will babble a lot and sometimes say "Baba" for bottle.  We are working on a lot of words like Grandma, Dog, Eat, Walk, Light, Up, and so many more. He is saying MaeMae often, maybe he speaks French?  Grandma in French is MaaMe.  His sitter is Nae Nae, so maybe he is trying to ask for her?  Who knows, he has his own language.

Rhett is pretty serious sometimes.  He will just stare at you, watch you and it really appears as if he is concentrating on what you are doing.  Lately he really likes to watch me eat.  I think he is trying to figure out what to do with that.  He has tried a few "real" foods, such as egg, refried beans, peanut butter, frosting and a super favorite was Aunt Tammy's Lasagna, he thought that stuff was fantastic!  Every new food brings a new facial expression and after a bit, usually he wants more.  Right now, we are sticking to Gerber baby food, rice cereal and his bottles.  He's a good eater for sure!

After getting him on the scale he weighs approx. 20.5lbs, and well, he's still tall.  I'm not chasing him with a measuring tape just yet.  We have a dr. appt next week so more official stats then.

Rhett also experienced his first 'boo boo', well, a real leave-a-mark kind of boo boo.  He took a head first fall into a kitchen cabinet.  Cried for about 10 seconds and was onto the next thing.  I've seen him cry harder for less.  Hopefully he's tough.  Teeth have really been bothering him off and on for several weeks.  Pretty certain the top teeth are working their way in.
First boo boo - on his forehead.  Getting dirty!

Marilyn, Rhett & I

We were so excited that my good college friend, Marilyn, and her husband Paul came to visit us this weekend.  We spent a couple evenings together and also did some tie dye at Aunt Cindy's house yesterday.  So good to see good friends and be reminded that even if we are apart in distance, it's like yesterday in friendship.  Just makes you wish your family and friends were all closer.  During the tie dye extravaganza, Rhett was able to play in the backyard.  His first real endeavor into nature on his own.  Let's just say, I only had to pull a wad of grass out of his mouth the size of a half dollar and stop him from eating the flowers like a goat a couple of times.  He was 'little boy dirty' and had a GREAT time!  He was tired enough with all the visiting and activity the last couple of nights that he has slept straight through the night from about 7:30 until 7:30 in the morning!!! 

Fun hanging out in Auntie's backyard!

Oh this little boy, he's so much fun, so much work and reminds me of the simple pleasures every single day.  It's been a rough year for John and I, but Rhett continues to remind us what is most important.


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