
I've been waiting to blog about this moment!!  It has finally, well I think, at least I'm pretty sure.... arrived!  His first 'official' word...."Mama...Mom"!  He has been mumbling this for quite some time.  Over the past 2 weeks, I would think that I for sure heard it in the morning, or at times when he was cranky or fussy.  But it wasn't really clear, and more of a distress cry.  So, I didn't think it was clear enough to 'claim'...but now, as of the last two days, it's clear as day and it's obvious...and he won't stop saying it!  Of course, the word itself transforms into loads of hugs and kisses and a lot of attention from Mom, so of course he will keep saying it!  We caught some video last night.  Again, keep in mind that it's all he wants to say or mutter.  He can also say, or express, the 'mmmmm' sound when he's eating his dinner.  He has been doing that for some time.  I do think he has the association with "Mom" down, as he will say Mama..over and over while raising his arms if he is on the floor.  He's a smart little boy, he knows his Mom loves him!  Of course, we have been 'training' and prepping for this moment for a few months.  What can I say, I wanted to be the first word!  Now, we will work on "Dada, Daddy"!

In other news, Rhett got a new ride...a super fun Wagon!  We will be using the wagon with Dani for Nic & Jayde's wedding ceremony in a little over a week.  Here is some video from yesterday of the kiddos learning to ride in the wagon.  Just had to make sure they were not going to attempt escape.  Still enamoured enough to sit.

And finally, a boy is tired and sometimes just has to get his rest on the run!  Mommy had him out and about early this morning for an errand, so he just napped on the go.  It's so tiring having to work all the time!  He looks forward to bath time tonight!

It's hard riding around with Mom

I love my baths!


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