Wonder & Amazement
Warning: This is a sappy post. I'm gonna brag about my kid... A LOT.
So, it's been happening to me a lot lately. I don't know why, not sure if this is something that just 'happens' when you become a parent or if it's just a part of being a woman (we are emotional by nature). I catch a glance of one of the seemingly 1000 photos I have around my house, on my phone, on the computer...of Rhett. I have to really look, and then look again. And then, it pops into my head. "Oh My God, that's my kid!" Then, it goes from there to, "I cannot believe how beautiful he is. He really is so damn cute. He's a beautiful boy, my beautiful boy, just like the John Lennon song." Then my mind just keeps racing, "How did I get so lucky? How is it that my son is so handsome, and he just makes me happy, no matter what he is doing....crying or laughing, and how is it that every parent has got to think all of these same thoughts about their own child? How is it that he is simply PERFECT?" and then I start thinking about the future and what it will hold for him, for us and how will his life play out, and will he be smart, will he be kind, will he succeed, will he find true love, will he be happy, will he make me a Grandma before I die...will he, will he, will he???
I now understand why people just keep having babies. Although, I will not be partaking in that trend. I will surely have my hands full with this ONE very dare devil of a boy (yes, already).
I find myself trying to memorize every detail of him. Trying to memorize every stage and what he is doing and what he discovers. I think this leads to the problem I have with the 1000's of pictures and lots of video too. I'm afraid I will forget.
I can honestly say, I'm still not converted to being completely 'kid friendly'; well, at least not around others who have children they simply allow to be out of control. Kids will be kids, yes...but parents MUST be parents also. There is a limit people!
I hope I will be a good mom. I hope I can be as good of a mother to him, as mine is to me. HE is the most important, amazing, fascinating, intriguing, wonderful, beautiful boy. He is my world.
A recent romp with his Auntie Cindy's jack russell terrier, Jake. Rhett is fearless, loves the puppies and this kid can MOVE!
Great post! I hear ya sister. I become overwhelmed with emotion thinking about how I want to always protect my babies from everything. Watching tv or the news these days and hearing about things happening to kids just breaks my hear every single day. It's like our hearts are outside of our bodies.