I'm 6 months old!

Mommy & Rhett in tie dye - we had a tie dye party!

Wow, how time flies. I cannot begin to believe my little boy is already 1/2 way through his first year of life. This last 6 months have just flown by. Perhaps due to the fact that my entire world has shifted, and I am now focused on being a Mom, a wife and an integral part of my employer (lots of job responsibility)! I don't regret any of it for a single second. I can only say that there are some days I miss being able to sleep in and lounge around at my leisure. Those days are OVER!

Rhett had his 6 month appointment last week. He is perfect, healthy and the happiest little boy! He was not so happy with shots or having blood drawn for food allergy testing, but we survived (I say we, Mommy had to hold him down!).

Weight - 17lbs, 10 oz 50th Percentile (= perfect)
Height - 28" 95th Percentile (= REALLY TALL)

See my peas?

See my bandaids from all the shots I had at the doctor?

Big Boy holding his own bottle now.

Sitting up on your own, talking and babbling, sometimes screaming just to hear it. You love to laugh and giggle. The dogs & daddy especially can make you crack up with laughter, to the point you can't catch your breath! You are eating 6-7 oz per bottle now, and you also are eating a couple of 'meals' each day. Usually fruit and oatmeal in the morning, and veggies and rice cereal in the evening.  You are eating peas and decided you wanted your own spoon above. You love to 'bounce' whether in your bouncing chair or the tigger door swing. Such an active little boy. In just the last couple of days you have also started to hold your own bottle!! Yep, all the while relaxing and drinking it up! We have to watch the television, as the 'couch potatoe' gene has been passed down from Daddy, and Rhett really loves the t.v. Cailou & Sesame Street are some of Mommy's favorites! Another development, brought on by 'baby boot camp' with Mommy, you are now sleeping through the night fairly regularly. It was a tough few nights of crying, but you finally have figured out that nighttime means sleep time, not always cuddle time.

Rhett still loves his bath time, it always calms him down before bed, and we started to give him oatmeal baths to calm his skin (baby eczema, not fun).

I glanced over yesterday to see Rhett up on all fours, with a look of utter surprise on his face like 'wow, how did I get here?'. It's only a matter of time and he's crawling, and I'll be chasing him.

Rhett & I are headed to Colorado to visit Grandma's & Grandpa's next week. Looking forward to ending our summer with some cooler weather! Will have lots of pictures to share!
Love to all,


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