
I've been seriously delinquent with posting to my blog.  It's been a whirlwind July.  Starting off with a trip to Houston, Texas for work to open up a barbershop.  Thank goodness, Auntie Cindy came with us again and Rhett was able to travel with me.  She is truly a blessing & Rhett loves his Auntie.  It was a long work week, but the end of the week held a little time with family.  My Dad's family lives outside of Houston, so Rhett & I were able to visit and I was able to see family I had not seen in over 20 years, including my Grandmother!  We were able to get four generations in the room!  Grandma was certainly smitten with her newest great-grandson, and it was a fun time for all.  Rhett reached a big milestone on this trip, which he had been working on for awhile, and on July 11th he rolled over for the very first time (back to front).  The look he had on his face, along with the surprise from all our cheering and laughter, was priceless.  You would have thought the little guy invented some new thing.  It was a proud Mom moment for me, for sure.  My little boy is growing up SO fast!! 

Dad, Rhett & Grandma                      Em, Rhett & Lori

A couple funny stories from the trip, the first a 'small world' moment.  My mom & dad are divorced, and my mom remarried to a wonderful 2nd Dad to me, Bill  Well, Bill's family is also a Texas family.  Wouldn't you know that my cousin, Jenny, from my Dad's side of the family (she is Aunt Lori's daughter) has a best friend...and her best friend is married to my other cousin, James, from Bill's side of the family!!  So here I am with both my cousins...from different daddies!  Isn't that so funny?  Jenny & James have known each other since college days and even were roomies for a time.  All this was discovered when they both got wedding invitations and asked each other why each was invited to the cousin's wedding?!  Oh, have to laugh.  It's a small world out there people, be careful!!!  We all were able to have lunch together, and James brought his precious daughter Molly, who looks much like her Grandma Kay.

Four Generations, three happy and one really mad little boy!

2nd funny, which I'm tattling on myself, as someday my son will remind me of this moment.  It's what I call my white trash mom moment of the trip.  The last couple days of our trip, we were lucky to stay with my Aunt Lori, and she has a beautiful home in Spring, just outside Houston.  Knowing it was going to be a short stay, I figured Rhett could just sleep in bed with me.  Well, wouldn't you know that Mr. Man decided to roll over the day we arrive!  I was certainly NOT going to put him in bed with me and stay up all night long staring at him for fear he would roll off the bed.  That would have NOT been good for my very long work day the following day.  So, we improvised.  Here is a picture of Rhett (below) in his white trash 'crib' for the last two nights of the trip.  Funny enough, that little stinker slept better in Mommy's suitcase that he had all trip!
Fancy sleeping quarters in Texas

Rhett has discovered his feet, and thinks they are THE BEST toys around. They are always showing up wherever he goes to play with!

Gotta love it!  Probably won't be the first or last time we do something crazy together! 


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