Recent Travels....

It's been a busy couple of weeks for us, including Rhett.  He took his first airplane ride on May 22nd for a long extended trip with Mommy and Auntie Cindy to Bellingham & Seattle Washington. 

Mommy had to go for her job, opening a new barbershop up there for her work, and Auntie Cindy came along so that Rhett would not be separated from me.  It was a busy and whirlwind trip for me, however Cindy and Rhett had a great time!  

In one of these pictures, we had put his carseat in the trunk rather than on the ground as we were getting ready and he thought it was the funniest thing ever!  "Baby In The Trunk".   Cindy was able to show him the ocean for the first time, take him up to the mountains to see snow at Mount Baker and even took him to Peace Arch State Park to venture into Canada, his first foreign country!  We spent a little time for a break in Seattle, and Cindy was thrilled to visit the first ever Starbucks location. 

We also got to meet up with Gina and Devo (my Dad's girlfriends daughter & her son).  It was a big week of firsts!

Upon returning home to Arizona, we did a little bit of laundry, then jumped in the car and took off to Colorado the next morning.  We had not been back to see Grandma Judy & Granddad Countess or Grandpa Hutch & of course Sherry had not yet even met him!  It was a quick trip, but lots of fun for everyone to see Rhett. 

Another 'first' while we were in Colorado, on May 31st, Rhett refused his bottle this morning, and I couldn't figure out why, so I just let him sit in his bumbo chair as I ate my breakfast of cereal.  You should have seen him 'track' my spoon from the bowl to my mouth.  I figured out quick, he was hungry!  So, I quickly whipped up some baby cereal and we attempted to feed him...he was like a baby bird just opening up and gobbling it down (ok, well most of it, he's learning to eat, some has to spill out!).  We came home on Tuesday June 1st and two more 'firsts' for Rhett.  He slept in his crib all by himself this evening, and he has also learned or transitioned into putting himself to sleep.  He no longer wants his mommy to cuddle and rock him to sleep.  He would much rather be wrapped up in his blankie with a binky.  I read to him, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" and he fell asleep to the sound of my voice.  New step in the routine I guess, Bottle, Bath, BOOK and Bed now. 
My 'baby' is already growing up into a little can you be sad and yet incredibly thrilled and excited all at the same time?  I need a pause button.


  1. Great pics! Wow! He's had a lot of BIG moments in the past week.


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