Father's Day Weekend, remembering and celebrating

Father's day weekend was a mix of wonderful, some sadness, but all in all, fun. We went to Show Low, Arizona for the weekend to see John's family and spread Ray's ashes. John's Dad, Ray, passed away in April, and we miss him every single day. Grandpa Brown will be remembered and talked about to his grandson Rhett, who is Ray's namesake as well. We will always have Show Low to visit and reflect on Ray, as he loved that place up north, his little Heaven on Earth, which he looks upon, I believe, from Heaven now.  As we were saying a few words, after Barb had spread his ashes at Fools Hollow Lake, I thought it very appropriate and telling when a Momma and all of her baby ducks swam by all of us on the dock.  A sign that life is ever revolving, never stopping, and I think Dad will be with all of us, protecting his grandson and watching over us every step of the way.

All the cousins, Nic, Rhett, Tatianna, Natasha, Maddie, Dani & Dominic 

Rhonda, Mona & John

Camo Buddies

We had a great visit with John's sister, Mona, and her twin girls Tatianna & Natasha, and son, Dominic.  Also visiting was Maddie, from Lake Havasu, so Rhett spent an entire weekend being cuddled, spoiled, played with and toted around by all of his cousins.  Dani was also up for the visit, and she and Rhett made it a point to dress in their camo's for a photo op.  Dani is still trying to body slam Rhett (she grabs him because she just loves him SO much!); Rhett will soon catch up.  Right now, it's still cute and we love that they are noticing each other.  Someday I'll write a post about them really body slamming each other, then we know the fun has really begun.

Rhett loved his cousin Maddie!  He wore himself out, and even stayed up late in his monkey pj's!

To my wonderful husband, who never reads this blog, but maybe someday you will, and I hope Rhett will....you are a wonderful, loving, caring Daddy and you had a loving Daddy as a great example, whom you grew so close to in these last few years.  I hope your heart is healing, that you are living in happiness, not missing any moments with your son, and that you can remember your Dad and pass along all of the great stories and tales to Rhett through the years.  I hope that you have that same closeness, bond and love with Rhett, who adores you.  Even if you bark at him, some day...he will bark back, then you are in for it!

All my love, Mommy & Wife

P.S.  I got a new hairstyle!  Almost the first since maybe high school!  I think I really look like a Mom now, but of course it takes longer than 2 minutes to do it, so this might be a special occasion Mom style...


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