4 months and swim time!

Yesterday our boy was a whopping 4 months old!  Today was a doctor visit, the first time to eat some real food and two more shots (boo!).  Another first shall be revealed at the end of this post, stay tuned...

Height:  26" - 90th Percentile
Weight: 15lbs, 4 oz - 55th Percentile
Head: 16 1/4" - 25th Percentile

Milestones:  Rhett is smiling a ton, and is really laughing.  He can full belly laugh and get himself into a giggle he just can't stop!  His Daddy can really make him laugh and Mommy likes to tickle and kiss him to make him laugh.  His laugh is just infectious, and you fall in love with him over and over.  Speaking of 'over' - he's about ready to ROLL over.  He's trying so very hard!  Daddy says he looks like a turtle on his back.  He gets close, but just can't get over his arm to get on his tummy yet.  Soon enough I'm sure.  Another thing he loves is what we call 'flying baby', where we hold him overhead and he keeps his little body stiff as a board and we pretend he is flying.  It sends him into fits of giggles and laughs.  He has discovered his voice, and is practicing using it, including screaming.  Rhett can't seem to keep his hands out of his mouth, and he is just discovering his thumb, much to his Dad's dismay.  Mommy was a thumb sucker, so I don't stop him, seems pointless to me - the dang thing is attached to him!!  He is not much of a 'binkie' baby really, just uses it a little bit still when going to sleep.  Ahhh...sleep.  Sleep has gotten a little bit better for him.  He's EATING now, we started with cereal in his bottle, and that has now moved on to cereal in a bowl.  This helps his tummy stay full and he's sleeping 5 hour stretches now.  Bedtime is around 7pm, after a bath and book of course, and then mommy stays up and feeds him again at 10 or 11 at night, and he wakes up only once around 2-3, then sleeps until around 6.  It's tiring still, but a lot better than getting up every 2-3 hours on a 24 hour cycle.  THIS is why people have babies in their 20's - sleep.

Food!  Rhett ate green beans tonight, his first real food, other than cereal.  We are venturing into a world of veggies and fruits.  God bless Gerber baby food!  The supermarket was easy, I just bought one of every flavor of "Stage 1" - that's easy enough!  I can't wait to see the looks on his face.  Most of the green beans came right back out, but we managed to get some down him.  He's no chunky monkey, so we are just going to keep trying to find this kids sweet spot!  I think it might be peaches and oatmeal...yum!

This past weekend was Rhett's first time in a swimming pool at Nic's birthday party.  It was an experience that he was just not so sure about.  Rhett loves his baths, so we thought he would love the pool and I think he will eventually when he has a little more exposure and can enjoy it without wondering WHAT it is!  But these pics are sure cute!  He got to swim with his cousin Dani, and see all his aunties and uncles, and of course wear some camo duds and hats.  Since we live in the devil's armpit, I'm pretty sure there will be a lot more swimming opportunities.  We are planning on swim lessons at 6 months old also.  He's going to be a water kid, I just know it.

Wondering what that final 'first' was?  Well, I guess every kid MUST do it...and he did.....IT.....right in the tub tonight.  After that big 'ol meal of green beans, cereal and milk, well he had to make room and as I heard him grunting as I was starting to wash him off, I knew we were in for trouble.  Sure enough, there it was, green and slimy sitting at the bottom of the infant toddler tub.  Oh lord.  It was not pretty.  Daddy was not having anything to do with it.  Yet, Rhett was so happy!  Daddy did make sure the naked baby didn't fall off the counter while Mommy cleaned up and washed the tub.  So, needless to say, another 'first' in his book.  Yes, I'm blogging about it, because I had to clean it up, and I plan on reminding this kid of it in another 15-20 years!!  Gotta love 'em, all the bits and pieces of them!


  1. He's just so darn cute. And I've not experienced that"1st" moment,yet. We almost had a "1st" with Maggie last week in the pool. I would have been so emabarrased if they had to shut the pool down. I got her out of the pool and got that thing off. FYI-water diapers don't hold much...they are pretty worthless in that dept.


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