Mom's Day, Cousin Dani, Life as a 3 month old....
My beautiful little boy...he just makes my heart melt over and over....
Mother's Day Breakfast out...
My first Mother's Day was awesome. I think it would have been incredible no matter what, just because I have the amazing privilage of being a "Mom" now. Our day was pretty low key, breakfast out and shopping errands with Daddy. Came home and Rhett gave me a great mother's day 'blow out' present (yep, you know what I'm talking about). It was a full fledged, just put me in the sink, kinda poo. Oh, the smelly joys of motherhood. 10 years ago, I would have told you NO WAY would I ever be dealing with that....well, I was wrong. Thank goodness.
How can you resist handsome?
Rhett has been spending a day or two a week with his 2nd cousin (our nephews little one), Danica. Dani's Auntie Jenae (Nae), watches both little ones at our house, and she is a natural with them both. They certainly love her and are learning how to love one another as well. These two are going to be very close growing up, probably causing all kinds of havoc, pulling off barbie heads and running over GI Joe. Here are some shots of thier daily fun Jenae has captured...we are very happy Jenae has come into our Mommy a chance to get some work done and gives these two little ones the chance to really be best buddies!

Look, matching bumbo babies!
Of course Rhett and I love our walks. It's getting too hot now, I have a feeling these last few days will be our last walks for awhile. Rhett is stroller savvy, he has the routine down. Here he is all decked out with his hat on for his walk.
When Danica is not over visiting, Rhett is a working man...look at how big he is getting, sitting up in Mom's office, helping her work. Good thing he gets paid in bottles and kisses!!
Finally, a last parting shot, capturing my little man laughing. He has started not only smiling and responding to us, but laughing, giggling and full out laughing his head off. He thinks his Daddy is really funny, and he is super ticklish too. I love getting him to laughing, it's the best sound in the world.
Rhett is 13 1/2 pounds this week. Laughing and developing a personality. Sleeping up to 5 hours, although most often 3-4, so we are still up at night. His head is still full of hair, and it has gone from a dark blonde, to a light blonde/brown to now a redish tint to it! Eyes are still blue. I think he will be a blonde, blue eyed heartbreaker. Gerber Baby as Grandma Brown says...
Hope everyone else felt as much love on Mother's Day! Rhett and I are headed to Washington State at the end of this month for a week for Mommy's work. Auntie Cindy is coming along and I'm sure she will take 100 pictures that we will post up here and update everyone as to how Rhett does on his first big trip.
Love to all....Em.
He's so cute! The pic from mothers day, Rhett looks like John. I love the overalls.