One Month Old - The things I have learned....

It's hard to believe he is a month old today...Rhett

In a very short time, I have learned a lot about being a mother, and I am certain and hopeful that what I know will be only the beginning...this is so much work...and so much fun!!

I have learned that you can do virtually anything with one hand...dishes, typing, fix a bottle, your makeup, feed the dogs, clean up a mess, laundry...

I have learned that there is nothing that will make your heart melt as the child you carried for nine months...

I have learned that you can be pooped on and pee'd on and you still love them....

I have learned that warm wet wipes, bottle warmers and pampers are worth it....

I have learned that Mommies are the heart of a family, and Daddy's need them too.....

I have learned that the middle of the night, and early in the morning doesn't have to be all that bad, as long as it's for them....(but I still don't think I will become a morning person)

I have learned that the dogs will always take a step down on the food chain in the household, but we are sure trying to keep them happy as ever...and they think it makes a lot of noise!

I have learned that if it vibrates, makes music, moves, bounces or rocks, it's like a peice of GOLD in our house.....

I have learned that Grandparents, Family & Friends give you much needed breaks and bursts of adult sanity....

I have learned that a clean house isn't everything....

I have learned that a grocery store trip by yourself almost equals a vacation sometimes....

I have learned that my son may be a pilot or a superhero - because he sleeps with his arms out - like superman...not just up but OUT (see above, sound asleep).  It's so damn cute.

I have learned that I am incredibly lucky, and all the more blessed to have this little man in my life now....what did I ever do without you?


P.S.  I have furthermore become all the more grateful for technology, cell phones, digital pics and videos, Skype, disposable diapers and ALL these wonderful things that our parents never had.  How in the hell did they ever do it and how did we survive??


  1. Isn't it amazing what a small thing can do to your life? They are the one thing you never knew you wanted, and the best thing you always wished you had. And what a difference they can do on your outlook of life. I'm so happy that you and John are able to witness that, it's the best thing you could never ask for! Congrats to you and your family, and I wish you the best!

  2. By the way, I think in this pic, he's saying "Word!" ;)

  3. My name is Pattie and I work at Pampers in Consumer Care. I came across your post and I was so happy to see Pampers make it to your list! Your little "Superhero" is just precious! I can relate to so many of your learnings. What a fun trip down memory lane for me--my babies are now 6 and 12! Thanks for choosing Pampers and I look forward to reading more from you in the future.


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