A few more pics, I just can't help myself!

There were so many good pictures from yesterday, I just have to post a few more!  These all came from Auntie Cindy's camera.  She captured one of my most favorite expressions that Rhett has, which we call "The O Face".  He makes this perfect 'O' with his mouth, how is it possible?  He also does a great "talk to the hand".  All of his little noises, actions and reactions continue to amaze me every second, not to mention make me incredibly happy and so proud to be his Mommy...I'll say it over and over, HE is the best decision I ever made.  A good friend has told me over the years that you will never ever regret having a child, but you would surely regret not having one.  She is right.  
I'm so very blessed. 

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  1. Awww...that is so sweet to hear you say deciding to have Rhett was your best decision. I'm so glad you are enjoying him and being a mommy. Okay, that "talk to the hand" pose is hilarious!


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