5 week Stats from the doc! Happy St. Patricks!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Just chillin' with my buddy Mr. Frog
Thanks to my Auntie Janet and good buddy Trey - they sent me this cute outfit so that I'm really stylin' this holiday.  The front says "Mommy thinks I'm Charming"...that I do little man, that I do....

5 week old Doctor Visit Stats and News:
We went to the pediatrician on Monday, most news was good, except that we have determined Rhett to be a bit colic at night time.  Thankfully, he is not screaming and some nights are better than others.  Pediatrician confirmed, and said we can do whatever sooths him.  That would be a bath.  Needless to say, he is the cleanest kid this side of the Mississippi.  LOVES his baths.  He also had to get a shot, which was quite tramatic, he screamed and cried and was not a happy camper the rest of the day.  The Bugs Bunny bandaid was just not enough.  Mean nurse.
Weight:  10lbs 14 3/4oz  (gained 2 1/4 lbs!)
Height:  22 1/4" (grew 1 1/4"!)

We have had lots of visitors, family and friends alike.  Wish we could take pictures and post every single one!  We did get some good pictures with Grandpa Hutch this last week posted here.  He thinks Rhett will definately be a fly fisherman! 

Another monumentous moments, our first Cabela's visit!  Pictures to commemorate this trip.  He wore his little camo shoes (thanks Auntie Steph for sharing)!!  There was so much too look at and such bright light, he just really needed to eat some lunch and sleep through the entire thing!


  1. Love the update!!! Wonderful pics!!! He looks sooo big sitting on the couch like that!!

  2. I have nominated you for an award. you may pick it up at my site.

    Love Ya,


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