Lots of happenings...updates, and nostalgia

You could say I've been slacking on blogging...but it's not like I have not been busy!!  Getting ready for a new baby is work I tell ya!  The good news is, nesting is right up my alley.  So many updates below in one post:

Doctor Stats & Update:  Baby B (yes, still no name people, I'm deciding when I meet him, leave me alone people) is doing well, growing much bigger.  He is up to a full 7lbs now according to his ultrasound Monday.  I've only gained 12 total pounds overall, so it's ALL BABY!  Doctor at one point told me she would induce at 39 weeks or even 38, which would be Feb.6th, but Monday she said she couldn't guarantee this since the hospital we choose is so popular (really?!).  With babies gaining 1/2 pound approximately per week, he could be an 8.5lb kid.  Ugh.  Trust me, he feels like 10 now!!  I'm all about getting this show on the road now.  So, if you have any ideas, tips or tricks, please e-mail me....and pray he comes soon.  I'm done now.

Baby B Celebration:  We enjoyed an awesome baby party last weekend (Jan 10th) thrown by several of my bestest girlfriends.  It was a co-ed shower/party and we had a ton of fun just being able to see everyone, eat wonderful home cooked lasagna and be blessed with so many cute and useful gifts!  It was so fun, and for me it was fun to see my husband revel in all the attention, then be completely confused by what all that baby 'stuff' was.  Let's hope he can identify the major parts and be able to change diapers!  Here is the ONE preggo picture you will get of me, my girlfriend Jeanne insisted on it so thank her.

Late family Christmas:  We celebrated a late holiday with John's Dad Ray and Barb, plus Nic & Jayde, and Rhonda.  Here are some pics of baby Danica, our babies cousin.  She was born Dec. 18th and is super cute!

So, after the baby party, my Mom & Bill were here for just a couple of days, but it worked out great.  I was able to convince my Mom to come shopping with me for all the rest of the baby necessities before his arrival.  We spent 1/2 day at Target and Babies R Us!  But I can honestly say that I am confident I have everything we shall need for his initial arrival.  After what felt like 100 loads of laundry, we are ready!  Give me a couple weeks, and I'm sure there will be things we don't have, but I'm happily nested for now.  Work and House - another story....still madly trying to either catch up or get ahead so that I can take a few weeks to learn how to be a good Mom once he has arrived. 

Some good ol' Nostalgia:  Finally, some fun stuff to close out the post.  During my nesting, I also decided I needed baby pictures of myself and my husband to compare to our son when he is born.  Well, we both had none (in fact, I still only have one of John, so if ANYONE has any, please help!!).  I decided to get the 37 year old slide collection (well, part of it) turned into digital files.  Here are just a FEW of my very favorites from my own personal childhood...good times....

If I don't post again before this boy arrives, I promise promise to be posting pictures and stats soon thereafter!  Lots of Love...Em.


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