Time fly's....

Time fly's.....when you're having fun!  WOW, what happened?  It's already December 11th, only 14 days until Christmas?!  I am just ordering my Christmas cards, yikes!  Better get busy, that's for sure!

We have been home almost a week now from our wonderful trip up north to Colorado to spend Thanksgiving with my family.  It was a great trip.  I love spending time with my family during the winter months, since it's the only time they are not working at the trading post day in and day out.  This year, we were able to make a big Thanksgiving dinner together, enjoyed some shopping with my mom, and just generally hung out and relaxed, and avoided the below zero morning temps by the fire....well, that was until December 3rd.  Dec 3-5, we helped my parents host the World Coyote Calling Championships.  John had a good friend come up, and they competed in the competition as well.  It was their first year competing, so let's say they learned a lot and had a great time, but didn't quite place in the top teams.  Maybe next year! There were over 100 teams, with an excess of $30,000 prize money, and some fiercely competitive men.  My step-dad, brothers and the family have been involved in the sport for years.  It was great to see my brother Thad, along with Bill take home 6th place together.  My Mom and I sat back, laughed at everything, and kept the contest going.  We are bundled up like snowmen in these pictures because it was so cold this day (below freezing), and we were outside for several hours!!  Brrrrr, I love Arizona!

Now we prepare for new babies to arrive soon!  Nic & Jayde will be welcoming thier daughter, Danica any day now.  Can't wait to see her cute little face!!  John and I are patiently (well, ok, maybe not so patiently on my part) waiting for our son to arrive in February.  Baby B is getting bigger by the day, 3lbs 11oz per ultrasound this week.  Everything is perfect, if he would just REMOVE his feet from my ribs and MOVE off my sciatic nerve, I'd be a much happier Mom.  My famous line lately is that 'this kid is already a pain in my ass' due to the sciatica he has so graciously blessed me with!!

I don't know about you all, but I have presents to send, shopping to finish and Christmas cards to write!!  Hope everyone is having a blessed holiday with lots of love and family!!

"The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving." - Albert Einstein

John presenting 6th place to my dad and brother (Bill & Thad)

Countess Family

John & Tim


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