Kreativ Blogger

Thanks to Misty  for this Kreativ Blogger award. I worked with Misty at The Make-A-Wish Foundation in Arizona here for a couple years, before she moved back to Nashville.  She was a great co-worker, and has since turned into an even better, long-lasting friend.  She has since moved back to Arizona, and those of us here are happy to have she and her beautiful family back for awhile.  Her blog is truly what inspired me to try blogging! 

So here is what I am supposed to do:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that they have been nominated!

7 Things people may not know about me:

1. I am going to be a Mom (not just a dog Mom) soon!  Expecting my baby boy to be born in February of 2010.
2. In case you DON'T read my blog, being pregnant is not the most fascinating, enjoyable experience of my lifetime.  My body has been hijacked.
3. I am a dog mommy too, with three Rottweilers and a Schnauzer.  They are spoiled rotten, and sweet as pie.  But don't tell all the soliciters I open my door to just to shock them being greeted by three Rottweilers, only to see them RUN away.  So enjoyable.
4. I love to read, have been a bookwork all my life.  My favorites being memoir's, non-fiction and of course, trashy celeb magazines! 
5. My husband and I have been married almost seven years, and most importantly, he still loves me!
6. I'm a total reality television junkie.  Bought a TIVO for my husband a few years ago, promptly hijacked that bad boy for myself!
7. I was raised in a small Colorado town of about 1000 people, only 26 in my high school graduating class!  Talk about nieve.  Now I'm a big city girl, but I still miss it and go back to visit my family often.

My 7 Nominess are: (um....ok, so I don't have seven, because I don't follow seven!)

1. The Kowanetz Family:  Denise, a very good friend of mine (also from Make-A-Wish days), has a beautiful new baby girl Maddie, and this is her site.

2.  The Thomas-Marhover Family:  OK, so I'm biased because I initially designed this blog for my good friend Janet, and thought I might have to drag her kicking and screaming over.  But, she has since picked it up, changed it all to her liking and I love reading about her new family every week!

3.  Two Southern Girls:  This blog is a creation and ongoing plethera of great stuff from my cousin's wife, Lori Vaughn.  She lives down in Texas, and I deeply miss she and Micah.  I try to stay connected and this is one great read (she can cook too people!).

4. The Krug Family:  Once again, a former Make-A-Wish co-worker turned great friend!  Dang, that job was worth it just for the friends!  Stephanie & Mark recently welcomed a beautiful BIG baby boy Jackson and this is where we are keeping up with them.  I miss them, they moved to my home state of Colorado :(

5.  Pigati-Santomeno Blog:  OK, so again, I'm biased because I created the blog and have thus been dragging my nephew & his girlfriend Jayde to blog.  They are having a baby girl in December, Danica.

6.  The Daily Coyote:  So, I don't know this gal personally, but I love her story, have read her book and with my background the fact that she has raised a Coyote to live with her amazes me.  It's entertaining, a bit of Wyoming and her photography is excellent.


  1. Emily, I found your blog through Janet's... wow... I LOVE your family pic. Rhett is too cute!!! That is such a beautiful picture.


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