Proof is in the picture, it's a boy!

Apparently, this child is going to just start off shocking us all.  I think everyone, including Mom & Dad, thought 'he' was definately a 'she'!  "Baby B" stands for "BOY"!  Surprise...that is definately NOT a Va-JJ going on there between those two legs in the lower picture.  I think it's proof positive that we are awaiting the arrival of the next John R. Brown.  We still don't know what the "R" will stand for, but that will be his called name.  We already have more than one "John", so we'll have to start figuring that out soon.

Everything looked great, he is healthy and normal.  Was moving all over, even flipped completely over during the long 45 min ultrasound.  He is measuring at 9oz right now, which is actually a little bit big (oh crap!).

Well, since I'm not exactly the world's most 'prissy' girly girl, perhaps it is fate that we will have a little boy to add to our family.  He better be rough and tumble, as his first baby gift already came from his GrandDad Countess...a rifle.  GrandDad apparently knew HE was coming.

P.S.  Actually BEING pregnant still sucks.  152 days left.


  1. How stinkin cute! What is it with our children and them just spreading their legs for the world to see their goods lol. Congrats im so excited for you guys, cant wait until Danica and little John can play together!

  2. kreativ blogger award:) see my blog for the details


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