Posting about ?

OK, I have no pictures, no cool cute stuff to write about. I'm just pregnant. So, I will take this opportunity to expand upon the fact, for those who may not know me well enough....let me just state that I am NOT some earthy, happy, oh lucky me, I'm pregnant kind of gal. Yes, I feel incredibly blessed to be having a BABY, but seriously, it's 4 months into this and I already want my body back. Why is it the woman has to muddle through this 9 months of torturous, body changing, body functioning (I won't even go there), hungry, tired, did I say exhausted, can't sleep well, up at 6am daily, kind of existance? I think the man upstairs should have taken a real good look at this way back when. Seriously. Like, couldn't there be a 'baby store' out there somewhere...or maybe even a shared experience with the Dad? John helped me into this situation right? The last three days I think I've had 10 people ask me if I was sick. No, not sick, just pregnant. Who knew your nose stuffed up like you had a cold of the century?! Are you gaining weight? Well, actually to this point NO, but I'm FAT to begin with and now everything is just shifting around making me look even FATTER!!
So there. No cute pictures, or stories. The plain honest, this is where I'm at, this is 4 months in and 165 days to go (but who's counting), this is just me. Not the earth mother of the year for sure. Bring on this process so I can go out and buy baby shit, like disposable diapers, baby food in jars & formula!! I will subscribe to the easy plan, the baby will make it I'm sure. My parents remind me often, that I'll be 'payin for my raising'. Joy.

P.S. Two weeks until we find out if it's a boy or girl. Then I can be sure to speak to this child in the right context regarding his or her havoc on MOM!


  1. Im sorry to hear you are feeling so awefull :( It will get better I promise :). I am so excited for you guys to find out what Baby B is I cant wait!


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