He's learning to ride a tricycle these days... A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about Rhett spending the week with Mommy. It was an awesome week, and an entire week to spend 24/7 with him, really getting an idea of how much he grows and changes every single day. During this week, I decided to start writing down all of the 'words' that Rhett was using on a regular basis. Well, that quickly became writing down all of the word combinations, short sentences and actions that this 19 month old little BOY is well aware of, using to gain everything he wants out of his daily routine. We can start with the easy stuff: Mama (let us not forget, it was his first word!), also variations of Mom (that was weird to hear) and Mommy . Papa , along with variations of Daddy . I Love You - he has just started telling us he loves us. It's usually more along the lines of love you Mama, love you Papa. I'll take it any way, any how. Daddy's TRUCK ! The...