Thanksgiving 2010
Gobble Gobble Happy Thanksgiving 2010 Rhett on his first Thanksgiving, ready to feast! We enjoyed a quiet Thanksgiving holiday in Arizona this year. Unusual for us, since we are usually in Colorado over the holiday with my family. We cooked a small 'feast' and had Rhonda, Nic, Jayde & Dani over. We had some fun 'posing' Rhett with the turkey also; and he did enjoy some mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and distinctly DISLIKED the cranberry sauce! Not quite ready for turkey yet. I even managed to get up the Christmas tree, much to Rhett's delight, and Mommy stayed up late decorating. We were all sick over the holiday too, so we spent our couple of days just laying around in our jammies trying to recover and get well. Rhett enjoyed lots of cartoon watching, with his Grinch also! Rhett also recently cut tooth #3, and I can see on his top gum line several teeth just ready to pop through. It's been a teething frenzy in our house. We...