
Showing posts from July, 2010

Video of Rhett Rolling Over!

Red Rover Red Rover, it's Rhett rolling over!!! This was actually #2 or #3, but I grabbed the video as quick as I could. He's still pretty shocked about it all. Only a matter of time before crawling and walking.


I've been seriously delinquent with posting to my blog.  It's been a whirlwind July.  Starting off with a trip to Houston, Texas for work to open up a barbershop.  Thank goodness, Auntie Cindy came with us again and Rhett was able to travel with me.  She is truly a blessing & Rhett loves his Auntie.  It was a long work week, but the end of the week held a little time with family.  My Dad's family lives outside of Houston, so Rhett & I were able to visit and I was able to see family I had not seen in over 20 years, including my Grandmother!  We were able to get four generations in the room!  Grandma was certainly smitten with her newest great-grandson, and it was a fun time for all.  Rhett reached a big milestone on this trip, which he had been working on for awhile, and on July 11th he rolled over for the very first time (back to front).  The look he had on his face, along with the surprise from all our cheering and lau...

I love my thumb!

Rhett went on binkie strike a few weeks ago. He decided that it just was not for him. However, he has found his thumb & really loves chewing on his hands too. We think teeth are coming in, he loves to chew on my fingers too, and he means business!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Happy 4th of July!!

Wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July! This year, since he is not yet 5 months old, Rhett will be sacked out long before the fireworks start, maybe next year. My many faces of freedom! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone