Our Beautiful Boy...

They say a picture is worth 1000 words...I think so. Knowing we would have one child, it became apparent and very important to me to capture as much of Rhett's childhood as possible. Especially in this day and age of digital imagry, video etc., it seems crazy not to! Before he was born, I sought out a great photographer, studying photos and studios etc. Finally with the help of Facebook and a referral from a friend, we came across Barbie. We booked a newborn session, dependent upon Rhett's arrival date, and were set to capture his newness before it wore off. We took him at 7 days old, his 2nd outing only after his pediatrician appointment. It was quite the afternoon of events, well....for Rhett anyway. We had a long session with Barbie at her home studio...with a space heater! Have to keep a naked baby happy and warmth is the key! Rhett was fairly happy to be posed, and turned...until hunger struck. We had to snack...and ...