A month of loss...
It's not often that I write about the sad things, the things that nobody looks forward too, and certainly not many want to deal with. The month of April seems to have been that type of month for us. Rather than post two separate things, I'm just talking about them in one single post, because really, loss is loss. Sadness is sadness and grief is grief. We have had our fair share this month. During this month of April, the month of my husbands birth, which is normally celebrated (because trust me, John always says it's his birthday month, not day)...we lost John's dad, Ray, to a brave battle with cancer. Prostate cancer which had spread into his bones this last year. I can honestly say, I could have never wished for a better father in law. He was so super cool, and such a great support to his son in these last few years. I had the honor of watching John and his Dad develop a closer bond, forgive and move forward from the past and ...