It's official, I'm pregnant!!

Bet ya thought you'd never hear it! Yep, it's really REALLY true....we are pregnant! Having a BABY, due February 13th! There is quite a background story, and we feel truly blessed to be pregnant, healthy and scared to death :) A little background for those that don't know. Once upon a time...(no, just kidding). When John and I married, we really didn't think we wanted children. After a bout of testicular cancer a few years back, which John recovered from, along with the birth of Quincy (a very good friends little girl) around the same time frame...we started to question our thought. Having the ability to have a child nearly taken away from you tends to change your mind a bit. Once I turned 35, I knew it was now or never. So we left the decision, and the fate of parenthood, up to a higher power. We always had the thought that 'if it happens, it' happens, and if it was meant to be then it would be. Well, after about a year of trying to conceive, counting the days...