Another year....roots

Another year…. Every year, I sit at my computer and take the time to reflect on the last year of your life, and of our life, together. I do this, because I don’t want to forget the details and the milestones. I don’t want to forget your voice, your laugh, your smell, your hugs and kisses, and who you are now. Someday, I’d like you to understand the details, or have insight into my mind and what exactly, you, have meant to me, your mother. Eight. I’m not quite sure how we even landed here so fast. In 10 years, you will be an adult. You are ½ way to driving. I’m continuously floored with these facts. I try not to count, but I just can’t help myself at times. We have now been in Colorado for ½ of your life. This has become your home, your comfort, what you know. It’s where your family resides, and your Nanny & Grandad reside and spoil you. You love your home, family, puppy Leeloo, your scho...