School Days...

A true smile. Rhett at 3 1/2 years old It's that time of year, where you send your kiddo to school and they take adorable, goofy photos of your child. We actually had to do this twice this year! On the first try, they did not account for Rhett's glasses, so we were returned cute photos with white glare off the glasses. Thus, round 2 was necessary. I love this top photo, because that is a true smile from my son. He is so cute, it pains me! Honestly, I can't begin to explain the attention he gets out in public. I took him to Starbucks with me last week, and we went inside together. I order a coffee for myself, thinking that Rhett is along for the trip (what 3 year old needs a Starbucks, right?). The counter lady says "Oh my, he is SOOOOO cute! What's his name?" Then proceeds to talk to Rhett. Rhett was pretty shy about it, but she got his name out of him. I paid for my drink, and then go down to pick it up and there is a '...