
Showing posts from December, 2013

'Tis the season!

Family fun in the snow, sledding in Flagstaff It's that time of year, cuteness, craziness, Santa, snow (we try to find some every year, even if we live in Arizona) and that silly elf abound!  We are busy with last minute preparations, along with all the normal day to day routines. I could not resist getting this little tidbit of my son singing "I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" out there for you to hear.  The sound of his sweet voice makes my heart happy.  His funny little replacement of words, is SO RHETT.  This could not represent him better. Will try to get some holiday photos up from Christmas celebrating, and in the mean time, here are some shenanigans that Archie has gotten himself into this season! Helping to decorate the Gingerbread house Apparently he likes the oreos, and he got a new scarf! Roasting a few marshmallows with friends.