Amblyopia & A Boy
Just after receiving the new glasses. Notice anything different? Our cute little blond-haired boy, now has glasses. He is three. He is a boy. He likes to jump up and down and acts like a crazy loon somedays. Oh, boy...this is going to be FUN. Our pediatrician noticed something amis with Rhett's eyes at his 3 year check up (take your kids to the doctor everyone!). He referred us to a pediatric opthamologist. I was perplexed how in the world they would test a 3 year olds eyes. It's not like he can read a chart! It was a long and challenging appointment, but a nice doc, and we left with a diagnosis. We also left with a directive. Turns out, they don't use a chart with all of the "E" turned all over the place. They use pictures of fun stuff like cake, trees, bears, houses etc. Everything else is exactly the same. So they plop my kiddo in the big giant chair, turn off all of the lights and ...