So long ol’ friend….

He was the goofiest dog I’ve ever owned. Never will forget how he came to be part of our family. Driving down the road, with my friend Flyn, and we see a box on the side of the road “Rottweiler Puppies” and a phone number. I knew I needed a puppy or a baby – you see, Flyn had just had Quincy about a year before and I was feeling maternal or something of the sorts. I came home and told John – it’s either a puppy or a baby. He said “where can we get a puppy?” and I happened to have the info handy! We called, drove to this run-down trailer park and found a liter of puppies that were sad and pathetic to say the least. One little puppy kept trying to get everyone’s food and he had a big wound across his nose. He had been nipped by mom, for trying to get everyone’s food. He was our new child. At the time he was Rottie #2, after Yukon. It was March of 2003, and we thought we had our perfect family, including our older Schnauzer, Schatzi. "What, you mean I can'...