Goodbye old friend...

I have been wanting to print my blog into a book for sometime now and it's just one of those things that gets pushed aside. I now know why, it needed to wait for this post. As a puppy just a few weeks old. Tomorrow we say goodbye to our dearest, oldest Rottweiler, Yukon. His time has arrived to be let go, he is in pain and can't get up and down anymore. He has given us over 10 years as part of our family. This morning he looked up at me with his big brown eyes, and his grey muzzle and I knew, he was telling me he just couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't go on any longer for us. I made the call to John, and the call to the vet. Tomorrow is going to be a very sad day in our house. Yukon came to us a puppy full of life, energy and a playful spirit. I remember I was terrified of getting a Rottie, but they were John's breed. He loved them. One of our first Christmas' living together in 2000, I decided to get Yukon fo...