Maybe this will become a monthly blog?

So, it's January 30th, and one could determine that I already suck at blogging. Isn't this supposed to be something people do daily? Who has that kind of time? I don't even have any children (unless you count the dogs and the husband), and I still don't have the time. I can't believe a month of 2009 has already flown by. Life is too fast. We have spent the most of 2009 with family visits so far. My parents (Mom and step-dad) were down to visit for a few days, along with their two French Bulldogs, one of the bulldogs is pictured here. Don't let his cuteness fool you, he is a devil in disguise. It was dog crazy in our house. Then my father was here for a visit, and is coming back to visit again Monday with his girlfriend. The guest room has been full! If you would like to book the suite, just call in advance! Looking forward to the Superbowl on Sunday. It's almost unbelievable that Arizona is actually in the Superbowl!! I'm a Bronco's fan, but hoping...